Introductory Importation and Customs Clearance (IICC-EN)

Description: A self-paced online course that aims to increase formal training opportunities for humanitarian practitioners in order to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the importation and customs processes for the cross-border movement of emergency relief aid. It is designed to equip practitioners with the minimum skills required to handle the difficulties involved with importing and clearing humanitarian aid into affected countries. This course is developed and offered in partnership with the IMPACCT Working Group as a contribution to the humanitarian community.

Methods: Presentations, videos, quizzes, live webinars

Duration: 6 hours

Target group:Practitioners in UN agencies, NGOs, governmental agencies, and private sector who are involved in the importation of humanitarian goods in the countries where their organization operates

  • Course Introduction
  • Module 01
  • M01: Customs And Importation In The Humanitarian Context
  • M01: Self Assessment
  • Module 02
  • M02: Coordinated Border Management
  • M02: Self Assessment
  • Module 03
  • M03: The Real Costs For The Importation Of Humanitarian Relief Goods
  • M03: Self Assessment
  • Module 04
  • M04: Document And Information Quality
  • M04: Self Assessment
  • Module 05
  • M05: Modernization Of Customs Systems
  • M05: Self Assessment
  • Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever